High schoolers are known to be picky, but it’s not hard to find a back-to-school gift they’ll love. Here are some of our favorite back to school gifts for high schoolers that are sure to make any students love and use.
What are the best Back to School Gifts for High Schoolers?
If you have a high school student in your home, back-to-school time is here. It’s a time of new beginnings, opportunities and challenges. As a parent or family member looking to get your teenager something special for the upcoming year, be sure you take into account what they might need during their first few weeks at school.
Top 12 Back to School Gifts for High Schoolers
Wireless Headphones
Wireless headphones are a great gift for high schoolers because they allow them to listen to music, podcasts or audiobooks without having a wire attached. This means that you can use them while studying and also don’t have to worry about getting tangled up in cables when you move around.
These wireless headphones are convenient and help you focus on what you are doing by allowing you to tune out any distractions like other people talking around you in your home or office.
Wireless headphones can be used for many different purposes such as listening to music while exercising, working out at the gym or hanging out with friends after school. You could even use them when walking down the street so that no one can hear what song is playing through the speakers of your phone!

Price: $39.99 (Source: Walmart)
Coffee Mug
You can find a coffee mug with their favorite sports team’s logo, or you can find one with their favorite movie character’s logo, or you can find one with their favorite band’s logo. This gift is great for any high schooler!
Unisex T – shirt
For high schoolers who are looking for a versatile and useful item, Unisex T-shirts are perfect. A unisex t-shirt can be used for sports, for school, and as casual wear. If you have a teen that likes to have multiple outfits in their closet or wardrobe then this is a great gift idea! It is also an affordable option since they are less expensive than other types of clothing such as shirts and pants. Since they come in so many different styles, colors and patterns it makes it easy to find one that suits your personal tastes. Even though they may not be very trendy right now they will never go out of fashion because they can easily be worn with anything else in your wardrobe!
- Our Back to School Collection will give your more interesting designs!
A high schooler’s laptop is a great gift, because it can be used for personal use and school. High schoolers will find that they can use the laptop for research and note taking, as well as social media or personal entertainment.
Laptops are also great because they allow students to study at home or in the library. Students who need to work on their homework outside of school will be able to easily finish their assignments with laptops in hand!

Price: $199.00 (Source: Walmart)
A watch is a great accessory for high schoolers to wear at school. They can be worn in different situations, such as on the playground or during recess. They also help students keep track of time during class.
Students have many different interests and hobbies, so it’s helpful if you know something about them before purchasing a gift. For example, if they are in band, consider getting them a watch with a music note print on it. If they love video games, look for one that features characters from games they enjoy most! It will make them feel special because of how thoughtful it is!
Watches come in all styles and colors so finding one shouldn’t be difficult at all when shopping online or visiting local retailers like Walgreens or Target.

Price: $8.88 (Source: Walmart)
Shoes are important for so many reasons. They provide a base for your feet to rest on, which prevents you from getting injured and helps your body perform at its best. Shoes that fit well also look good, making them great for school or just walking around town. And if they happen to be comfortable, that’s even better!
If your high schooler already has some shoes they like wearing, ask them what their favorite brand is and see if they have any recommendations or advice before buying new ones. Then browse online until you find something similar in style but more affordable you’ll probably end up saving yourself some money this way too! If not…well…maybe it’s time for an upgrade anyway?

Price: $29.29 (Source: amazon)
An Insulated Tumbler
Tumblers are great for the high school student on the go, whether they’re heading to class or off to practice. They’re especially useful in helping kids stay hydrated and avoid dehydrating sports drinks. Plus, they can be a fun way to express personality and style!
Insulated tumblers come in all different shapes and sizes, but most of them are designed with a double-walled layer that allows heat or cold to escape without letting it melt your ice cream or water down your drink (or let’s be real: both). A nice bonus is that these types of cups also generally won’t sweat on you while you’re drinking them. This means no more sticky hands holding an open container!
Wireless Bluetooth Speaker
Wireless Bluetooth speakers are a great gift for any high school student because they can be used for listening to music, podcasts, audiobooks and more! They’re also super convenient for parties, camping and even just listening to music in your room. Many of these speakers are built with alarms clock functions so if you’re still waking up on time now that you’re in high school then this is definitely something I would recommend getting them. If they don’t already have one at home then this is an excellent way to get started with their own alarm clock system that doesn’t require plugging into the wall (and won’t disturb your family).

Price: $48.00 (Source: amazon)
Back pack
If your teen is in high school or is about to start, you can buy them a stylish new backpack to take with them to class. Backpacks are an essential item of school gear, and they should be made of strong materials to protect expensive electronics and textbooks. Unfortunately, many backpacks are not designed to last long enough for a teenager to use them daily. Some backpacks are poorly made and have broken zippers or straps. To help your teen’s back and protect his or her costly devices, you can purchase a padded laptop sleeve. A chest clip is also a convenient addition for this backpack. Occupational therapist Karen Jacobs suggests that chest clips on backpacks are essential for high schoolers, because they take the weight off the shoulders.

Price: $9.99 (Source: Amazon)
Pens are a must-have for high schoolers. Many types of pens exist, with the most popular being ballpoint and gel. Ballpoint pens are ideal for writing notes or taking down class lectures, as they produce smooth lines that don’t smudge easily. Gel pens are best for drawing and sketching, as their thick ink allows for bold lines that won’t fade away easily. Both kinds of pens can be used to doodle on notebooks or paper bags during lunch break!

Price: $12.99 (Source: amazon)
Pencil case
A pencil case is a great gift for high schoolers because you can use it to hold pens and pencils, or you can put other things in there. You might want to put makeup in the case, or keys. Or maybe you want to put cards in there, like ID cards or money cards.

Price: $14.99 (Source: amazon)
A highlighter is a great tool for making notes stand out, and it can be used to highlight important points. Highlighters are also useful for studying: students often use them to make their textbooks more colorful and easier to read. Highlighters are usually used when studying, but they’re also helpful for many other tasks.
Aside from the standard yellow highlighter that most people think of when they hear “highlighter,” there are other colors available as well such as pink and green and each color indicates a different meaning or purpose. For example, if you highlight in blue ink then you might want to emphasize something non-essential; however if you highlight in red ink then perhaps an item is particularly important or urgent!

Price: $1.97 (Source: Walmart)
We hope that we have been able to help you find the perfect gift for your high school student. We know it can be difficult to find gifts for them because they are always changing, but we believe that these 12 suggestions make good choices that will last for a long time.